Call for papers 2024



September 2024

 The study and research journal «CQIIA» which has a scientific committee for national and international accreditation of published essays, invites interested scholars, researchers, and experts to submit contributions for the next issue of the journal on the topic:

The Ph.D. programme as method of education and training

For several years, higher education courses and, especially, the PhD programme, have been undergoing extensive changes, from a legislative and organizational point of view.
In Italy, the DM 226/2021 highlights that «doctoral research provides the necessary skills to engage in high-quality research activities at Universities, public institutions, or private entities, including to access careers in public administrations and integrate highly innovative professional trajectories». Not only academic research but also public administration and private enterprises become places of employment for PhDs who, in these professional contexts, can carry out activities of high qualification, entrepreneurship, innovation and research, demonstrating the skills acquired during their higher education courses, perhaps even carried out in educational alternation.
Starting from these considerations, this issue of the «CQIIA journal» aims to collect reflections, analyses of paradigms and theoretical models, good practices, case studies, and national and international experiments, described from a pedagogical and interdisciplinary perspective. In this way, it is possible to support the rethinking of the structure of doctoral programmes, transforming them into increasingly effective methods of training and education for personal and social development.

Contributions, in the form of a minimum of 20,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes), should be submitted to the journal's editorial board by 09/15/2024 through the website: after registration. They will be examined by a double-blind peer reviewing process. Evaluations, whether positive or negative, will be notified to the authors.

It is also possible to participate in the journal issue by submitting reviews (max. 4.000 characters) concerning books, volumes, essays, and journals related to the monographic theme.
The reviews will be examined by the editorial board of «CQIIA journal», which will inform the authors about any revisions to be made.