Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

“Formazione Lavoro Persona” Review


  • Article submission/processing charge

The contributions, in essay form, must be sent to the Board of Editors within the deadlines laid down by each call for papers, through the methods indicated on the website of the Journal that uses the online platform Open Jounal Systems (OJS): They would be evaluated through a process of double blind peer reviewing. The feedback, whether positive or negative, would still be transmitted to the authors.

The publication of the articles is without any article processing charge (APC).


  • Publication decisions and duties of the Editor

Director, Scientific Committee and the Board of Editors of journal «Formazione, lavoro, persona - CQIA Rivista» is responsible for deciding which of the manuscripts submitted should be published.

The articles are evaluated for their scientific content/contribution without regard to the author’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship, or scientific, academic and political ideology.

The Scientific Committee shall pass on each paper for evaluation to two anonymous referees (double-blind review) who are chosen within the Referees' International Committee of the journal.

The members of the editorial board, following the guidelines of the review’s editorial policy, are subjected to the laws regulating libel, copyright and plagiarism. Therefore, the Director, the Scientific Committee, the Referees and the Editorial Board should not use the paper submitted for their own research nor disclose any information regarding the submitted manuscript to anyone other than the author, referees and any other editorial advisers.


  • Duties of Referees (peer reviewers)

National and international Referees must treat the manuscripts confidentially. They assist the Director and the Scientific Committee in making editorial decisions with his/her objective and professional evaluation and may contribute (through communications mediated by the Editorial board) to help authors improve their papers.

Referees undertake to send the evaluation form, filled in each its parts, to the Director and the Editorial Coordinators, through the methods indicated on the website of the Journal that uses the online platform Open Jounal Systems (OJS):

Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Referees should express their views clearly and with supporting arguments.

Reviewers should inform the Editorial Board of any substantial similarity of submitted manuscripts to published materials that they happen to detect. Any information or idea obtained through the reviewing process should be kept confidential and not used to the reviewer’s personal advantage.


  • Duties of the Authors

Authors must ensure that their papers are original works. The work and/or words of other authors have been sistematically cited or quoted in a correct form according to the scientific requirements of the journal. Authors must also provide appropriate citations of works that have importantly influenced the production of their paper.

Papers must contain sufficient detail and references to allow others to verify, replicate and cite the work. Authors must write their papers in adherence with the editorial rules and the disciplinary field.

Any fraudulent, offensive and voluntary wrong statements represent a non-ethical behavior and are unacceptable.

Authors must ensure that their papers are written in adherence with the editorial rules which are available in the website of the journal. Articles must contain an English abstract and an English title.

Manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board must not have been published as copyrighted material in other journals. While under consideration by the journal, manuscripts must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. If the paper has been already published, its re-publishing is allowed upon agreement and authorization by the previous Editor according to the copyright and authors’ right law.

If the article is accepted, the author transfers the perpetual right to distribute the work free of charge by any means and in any parts of the world, including the communication to the public through the journal website.

By submitting a manuscript to the Journal, the authors accept that, if their work is accepted for publication, all rights to reproduce it by in any form and by any means, through the media and technologies in existence or to be developed, will be assigned to the journal. The re-publishing of the paper is allowed upon written agreement by the journal.

Authorship credit is given uniquely to those that contributed in substantive ways to the ideation, planning, execution or interpretation of the research. All those who contributed in substantive ways must be named as co-authors.

Should an author detect any significant mistakes or inaccuracies in the published manuscript, he (or she) must promptly inform the Editor and collaborate with him to retract or rectify the manuscript.


  • Conflict of Interests

A conflict of interest may arise when an author, a referees or a member of the Editorial Board reviewer have personal or economic relations which may unduly influence their behaviour in terms of judgments, pressure or assessments. The Director, the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board are responsible for managing potential conflicts of interest as well as possible, especially by adopting a double-blind reviewing process.