New possibilities for an Italian Policy aimed to the welfare of the elderly. The Individual Care Plan and the identity of aging people in Nursing Homes

  • Salvatore Manca


This article presents the current network of care services for the elderly, and seeks to bring out the objectives proposed by welfare policy in Italy. The article focuses on the needs of the elderly and on individual interventions that can be implemented in response to their needs. After presenting the Italian situation concerning social and care services, the question shifts to the model of the Nursing Home (R.S.A.) and the importance of the Individual Care Plan (P.A.I.), as a useful means to define the needs of aging people and create integrated actions that can enhance their capabilities and support them adequately. The message this article wants to convey is that a service is really useful and effective when you realize personalized services and interventions, made ​​to ensure humanity, dignity, respect and individuality of the elderly.