Project Giobbe. RSA without pain

  • Francesco Locati
  • Giorgio Barbaglio
  • Renato Bresciani
  • Elvira Schiavina
  • Marta Farina
  • Melania Cappuccio
  • Simone Franzoni
  • Lucia De Ponti


The ASL of Bergamo has been proposed to improve the treatment of pain in patients hospitalized in structures, including elderly people with advanced dementia and therefore not able to communicate their pain. Main objectives: reduction of somatic pain in elderly patients in RSA (Health Assistance Residences for the elderly) in the province, especially in patients with severe dementia is unable to communicate verbally; acquisition of the team's methodology, so that the pain treatment becomes structured and ongoing practice (audit) in Bergamo RSA. Methodology: ASL has organized the first training phase dedicated to nurses, physiotherapists and doctors, involving all RSA credited the province (n. 63) in 2013-2014. All RSA operators contribute to the detection of pain by collecting patient reports directly with the NRS (Numeric Rating Scale) or through the discussion in the comments made by team the NOPPAIN (Non-communicative Patient's Pain Assessment Instrument). Doctors have taken the treatment protocol step analgesic, presented during training. The evaluation refers to the persistent somatic pain (possibly permanent) and acute where the cause is obvious and removable.