A Self-Study model in the Primary Education Science Traineeship: preliminary instances of guided education activities

  • Loredana Perla


Since the time of its institutionalization, the internship of Primary Training Sciences has been depicting as a cardinal “place” of initial training for teaching professionality. Throughout last twenty years many steps have been moved forward, in order to draw the perimeter of its legislative boundaries, as long as enlightening enough this formative “path”, its didactic field, objects, expertise repertoires which are necessary for the accompanying figures of the students (tutors, welcoming mentors), that are very different with respect to the ones required in other contexts of university didactics. This essay documents the approximation steps towards a Self-study based matrix of internship functioning to implement throughout the new five-year unique cycle Course of Primary Training Sciences, which is based upon the self- advertisement of tutors as considered themselves as figures of mediation for the promotion of students’ knowledge about/for the profession (having as references: on one side, the idealistic-type of “student-apprentice” who is able to face the complexity of “becoming a teacher”, that starts by doing a specific work of practice learning from the University days on; on the other side, the necessary instance to let dialogue theoretical knowledge with the practical one and to put all the actors representing both these kinds of knowledge – university teachers, schools, students – in mutual communication, all together).