From "labour humanism" to "labour democracy". Work-Education-Democracy in the theory of the National Union for the Fight against Illiteracy

  • Francesco Obinu


Giovanni Gentile's concept of “labour humanism” had considered the worker of the industrial age as the maker of his own success and of modern society. After the second world war, the National Union for the Fight against Illiteracy, in the face of the difficult economic and moral circumstances in which Italian workers were living, reached a different conviction: first of all, the worker had to free oneself from his subordinate social status, to be able to determinate his future and, at the same time, society development. To this aim, the National Union for the Fight against Illiteracy worked to organize educational paths that included basic education, vocational training and cultural widening. A man who formed himself in this way, would not have been just a good worker, but also an aware citizen, and so the mainstay for democratic Italy which was rising.