The first experiences of school for prisoners in Europe. Notes in the margins of a pamphlet by Leon Vidal reproduced and commented on "Effemeride Carceraria"

  • Stefano Lentini


This research paper presents, analyzes and comments an article published in the journal «Effemeride carceraria», on the first school experiences of adults in European penitentiary establishments. On the theme of prisoners’ education, much debated in Europe in mid-nineteenth century, the journal offers a large space in its five years of life, and, in 1867, the editorial board reproduces, whith Italian translation, excerpts from a pamphlet of General Inspector of the French prisons Jerôme Leon Vidal, Les Ecoles dans les prisons. Notice sur l‘organisation de l‘ensegnement primaire das les prisons de la France, de l‘Angleterre, de l‘Allemagne, de l‘Italie et d‘autre pays, published in France in 1866, in which he draws the first school experiences for European prisoners.