Learning and teaching intercultural competence at school: the project "I Have Rights"

  • Mario Giampaolo
  • Claudio Melacarne


In the paper the authors reflect on the teachers’ professional development in multicultural schools. The transformation of the Italian school impels teachers to reconsider their perspectives and patterns of meaning in order to promote participative and collaborative learning useful to validate knowledge. Moreover, the contribution introduces and deepens elements related to the definition of intercultural competence. Acquiring this competence could allow teachers to manage cultural diversity in class. Finally, the contribution reports the results of a questionnaire conducted during the first phase of a research project titled "I Have Rights". The questionnaire aims to define a framework of the Tuscany region teacher’s perceptions and attitudes on issues related to multiculturalism. The results obtained show, among others, strong availability to the reception of immigrants and the awareness of the importance of updating didactic practices.