Metaphysical perspective and rational education

  • Marcello Tempesta


In more recent times Pedagogy seems to diverge from Metaphysics, understood as an abstract knowledge that is unable to appreciate the different forms of the human experience. However, some authors show that the modern reconstruction of the metaphysical perspective makes it possible to appreciate the meaning of human condition and to recognize the value of the existential questions that are essential in the educational process. Although the metaphysical systems era is ended, the metaphysical tension could be extremely precious to foster the debate in the postmodern cultural context, characterized by the crisis of rationality and the deconstruction of subjectivity: for this reason, it has become very difficult to operate in the field of education. This essay analyses the thought of Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI about the theme of rational education, that is an example to understand how metaphysical perspective can reinvigorate the Reason and improve the integral ecology of the human beings.