Towards an “integrated educational system” 0 - 6: an empirical study in Apulia

  • Angelo Fanizzi


The establishment of the integrated education and learning system from birth to six years old children is a relevant challenge for our time.
In order to understand how it may be applied, it has been led an empiric research of existing educational facilities and nursery schools for the 0-6 age group, existing in the Metropolitan City of Bari.
The theoretical framework allows us to read and pedagogically understand the integrated system, discovering its core.
The research allowed us to discover a gap to fill between 0-3 children’s facilities and nursery schools. Given the lack of Asili nido, the establishment of these facilities is an important achievement and our territory needs to reach a better or-ganization of 0-3 children facilities achieving the goal: integrated educational system 0 - 6.