Maria Montessori’s "triumphant child". Small children’s stories and adult behavior.

  • Monica Salassa


After a brief introduction to Maria Montessori’s bio through selected life pills concerning some significant periods in her life, as reported by original chronicles or by authors who wrote about her, the Author’s contribution is aimed at giving a satisfactory representation of the Montessori’s approach to the “triumphant child” and of the adult behavior which we would expect in order to ensure effective help to the child self-development and joy for life. The framework is developed using a selection of situations and/or episodes of real life that actually happened, sometimes to Montessori herself, as described in the Montessori’s book “The secret of childhood”. The specific intention is that of bringing the selected content to the attention of the reader, allowing wider reflection about effective, respectful, non-invasive adult behavior compared with the child’s needs from different points of view, as well as giving the reader himself the oppor- tunity to elaborate further reflections and conclusions independently.