Hermeneutic analysis of the school-palimpsest: aporias and pedagogical tensions

  • Angela Arsena Università di Foggia
Keywords: palimpsest-scholé-locus pedagogicus-, aporia-complexity


This paper interprets the School as a human educative and theoretical reality crossed by philosophical and ideological theories and debates that, somehow, have erased the memory of the old scholé, while revealing, as in an ancient manuscript, clues still visible today of its irreducible essence of locus pedagogicus. The proposition sketched here considers first of all the complexity of the educative practice, wrapped by multiple relational and social tensions and strains, and holds into account the impossibility of relying on a single reference point: the pedagogical act in our glocal contemporaneity and in the actual scholastic environment appears to be lying above and beyond any monolithicity to be able to coexist with any aporia or contradiction.

