To each their own word. <br>Language education as a means to foster originality in Giuseppe Lombardo Radice

  • Gabriella D'Aprile Università degli studi di Catania
Keywords: Giuseppe Lombardo Radice, language education, originality, word, intercultural education


Is it possible to re-read the contribution of Giuseppe Lombardo Radice in an intercultural key? Like other important figures, the famous pedagogist was immortalized with a book—or rather a classic—that in this case explains and clarifies important topics related to education and schooling. Drawing inspiration from the enlightened intuition presented in Lezioni di Didattica e ricordi di esperienza magistrale (1913), the article explores the theme of language education as a means to foster originality, the pedagogical principles of which still provide important insights into the contemporary debate on issues related to interculturality and inclusion in today's heterogeneous and multilingual school.
