Peer tutoring in remote learning context

Students’ voice for evaluating the first semester of Primary education master’s degree.

  • Franco Passalacqua Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Dipartimento di Scienze Umane per la Formazione
  • Franca Zuccoli Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Keywords: remote learning, covid-19 pandemic, peer tutoring, formative impact student voice


This paper offers an in-depth examination of the experience of remote learning and the impact of a peer-tutoring project as it was described by fist year primary education students. The qualitative study aims at exploring the student’s point of view about the impact of remote university, with a specific focus on the role played by peer tutors and peer tutors’ activities. The results give a snapshot of the description made by peer-tutors of the remote learning experience and an evaluation of the peer-tutorship project. Moreover, they lead to a broader reflection on the transformative meaning of the remote learning experience in the university context and on the value of transformation already occurring in the student’s learning.
