Lifelong guidance in teacher training to improve organisational well-being in school contexts: the case of the University of Foggia's training course for a comprehensive school

  • Miriam Bassi Università degli Studi di Foggia
Keywords: Adult education, career guidance, organizational wellbeing, teachers training, didactical innovation


The University of Foggia, in response to the growing demand for support from schools, has provided a series of training courses for teachers of different levels over the last few years (also prior to the publication of the decree). This paper focuses on the training provided for the Pescara 7 Comprehensive Institute entitled 'Professional reflexivity and well-being at school: tools and educational methodologies to improve communication and relations within a team'. The design of the above-mentioned pathway takes its origin from the work that the Centre for Skills Assessment and Career Guidance (Centro di bilancio delle competenze e orientamento alla carriera) has been carrying out since it was set up, in 2004, with respect to the themes of adult education, orientation and organisational wellbeing.
