Knowledge in action for training

  • Patrizia Magnoler
  • Mariachiara Pacquarola
  • Mauro Tescaro


The action analysis is currently an area of ​​research that produces results with a high impact on the design of initial and in-service education. In particular, the paths traced by Didactique Professionnelle and the Cours d'action, albeit for different theoretical inspiration, are both centered on the discovery of the relationship that is established between the subject and the work in specific situations. The shared investigation techniques (entretien d'explicitation, autoconfrontation, autoconfrontation croisée) allow the access to the nature of the action and the explicitation of its process and characteristic features, thus helping to the construction of 'knowledge in action' taken from work environments. This kind of investigation may become an opportunity for learning in formal environments, such as professional courses of technical schools.