Fifty years of guidance in the midst of definition outlines, listening to personological dimensions, primality of pedagogical interpretations and attention to sociocultural conditionings

  • Olga Rossi Cassottana


The essay retraces the evolutions of the concept and the practice of guidance, from the initial stages as may be seen in selection, passing through the phases of psychodiagnostics and sociology – right up to the perspective of educational or school-based guidance. Most certainly significant and marking the axis shift to the persona object of the training (or of an adult who must be required), as the one who is expected to acquire decisional capacity and, hence, the possibility to choose with the support of fundamental educational establishments, the analysis of scientific literature then allows us to outline new paths in guidance development in its inalienable duplicity of this individual and therefore existential and social problem. Highlighted are revised themes, the fathomed elements of personality, goals achieved and, hence, outcomes in many cases consolidated, as well as the links of evaluation - guidance but still in the shadows and sociocultural conditionings which need to be studied in depth and with adequate strategies.