Building a shared culture of the teaching-learning relationship. The case study of a LLP project

  • Ezio Del Gottardo
  • Salvatore Patera


The education and the educational training have a fundamental role in the framework of the European 2020 Strategies. This paper comes out at the end of the “ValeRIA PLUS” Project, whose purpose was to “Evaluate the relationship between Teaching and Learning by promoting and working on the unity of the system”. The Project was funded by the European Lifelong Learning Program and carried out in two years (2013 and 2014). ValeRIA PLUS consolidated and extended both the reference target and territory of the ValeRIA Project, with the intent of providing schools and Vocational Training Centres with a series of criteria and evaluation tools to assess the teaching-learning relationship. It was aimed at promoting the involvement of students and teachers in a dynamic self/hetero/co-evaluation process within the international school systems of project’s partners. The project has built a shared “culture of evaluation” and a set of tools to evaluate the teaching-learning relationship. Its two goals were: on the one hand, promoting autonomy and the educational success of the students, and, on the other hand, strengthening the awareness of professionalism in teachers.