The informal learning and the action towards the development of the soft skills

  • Stefano Spennati Visiting Scholar Teachers College Columbia University New York


In this pre and post time Covid-19 every form of informal learning assumes an even more importance that will have to be conveniently valued in order to help the adults in changing working organizations. Until the XX century it has been difficult to place the workers reflection or self-reflection within the paths of the companies, essentially because the companies have always prioritized other objectives, such as profit, which have obscured the personal path of the workers. Continuous and constant innovation, which will characterize the XXI century and factors such as the coronavirus pandemic, which is still ongoing, on the contrary will determine the growing of the need of the companies to support internal sharing paths, in order to update and modify the performance of workers and company management. They will encourage alternative choices and behaviors to routine conduct that should prove to be no longer effective. The English and American studies on Action Learning, from Revans to Marsick, O’Neil and Watkins, which are discussed in the text, are useful to reach the strategies that will be necessary for the informal learning.
