Recensione del volume di S. Calaprice, Educatori e Pedagogisti tra formazione e autoformazione. Identità, azioni, competenze e contesti per educare all’imprevedibile, Franco Angeli, Milano 2020, pp. 156

  • Agnese Valerio Università degli Studi di Bari
Keywords: unpredictable, educational professions, skills, education, pedagogy


The review of Silvana Calaprice’s book  Educatori e Pedagogisti tra formazione e autoformazione. Identità, azioni, competenze e contesti per educare all’imprevedibile, presents the autobiographical path, personal and professional, of the Author who notes the peculiarity of the educational professions both in terms of science and competence. New ideas are therefore offered for reflection on the educational offer, in particular the university training, which can 'educate and train at the unpredictable', to prevent and intervene in emergencies and respond to new educational needs.

