Promoting the Human Inventiveness. The Contribution of Gino Ferretti for the Rethinking of 'Elementary' School

  • Emanuela Guarcello University of Turin
Keywords: gino ferretti, elementary school, education, inventiveness, deomcracy


The article aims at exploring, in a pedagogical-critical perspective, the theoretical and methodological-didactic proposal of a less known figure of the pedagogical landscape of the twentieth century, Giuseppe Luigi Ferretti. A figure who has worked for the renewal of the programs of the Italian elementary school in the wake of the Second World War.

It is a work of renewal, mostly unheard of, that it has placed itself both in continuity and in discontinuity with respect to the idealism of the Italian school of the previous years as well as the activism that should have guided elementary education in the first decade of the second post-war period.

It is also a work of renewal that represents an interesting opportunity to rethink the current primary school in particular for the originality of the conceptual structure and of the didactic translation, which find in the idea of inventiveness its own peculiarity.
