Microcredential and lifelong learning: a pedagogical reflection

  • Barbara Bruschi Università degli Studi di Torino
  • Manuela Repetto
  • Melania Talarico
Keywords: Microcredential, reskilling/upskilling, lifelong learning, higher education, skills


In response to the crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, the European Commission has implemented a series of actions focused on inclusion, on the creation of new jobs, but above all on the acquisition of basic skills for life and work by all citizens. The aim is to foster social, economic and political development, but above all to enable everyone to find his place in society and at work.

The Commission has therefore proposed a European Skill Agenda and has indicated that continuity between school, university and the world of work is the best way to encourage the acquisition of the knowledge and skills that are indispensable in today's world, especially among young people.

This contribution focuses on microcredentials as a tool for the flexibilisation of learning processes and professional updating. In the first part, the theme of microcredentials and their relationship with the university and the world of work is explored. In the second part, an attempt is made to define the role of schools, universities and pedagogy in this context which risks marginalising didactic-educational reflection.
